Irresponsible tactics are being used to bury social and environmental problems associated with the Fukushima nuclear disaster as Olympics approach in Japan.
Australia's Aboriginal people have long been mistreated by governments and industry in the pursuit of nuclear projects. The attitudes of 'pro-nuclear environmentalists' or 'ecomodernists' towards Aboriginal people is as disrespectful as those of governments and industry, argues JIM GREEN.
The rejection of a plan to import vast amounts of high-level nuclear waste from around the world for profit was a significant result for campaigners but that threat is still far from over, writes JIM GREEN
As plans go ahead for the UK’s first new nuclear plant in twenty years, Edgar Vaid reviews a film that takes a look at the issues surrounding the use of nuclear power by our neighbours across the Channel ...
A decision looms on whether - and where - to build the UK's first deep disposal for nuclear waste. Two borough councils in Cumbria have 'volunteered' - but can the communities be convinced? Matilda Lee reports
Plans for undersea nuclear power reactors around the coast of France could see a boom in uptake of the technology - but serious questions about costs and waste disposal remain unanswered
Campaigners and scientists express concern over the inclusion of a site near Sellafield in latest list of locations considered for deep underground disposal of nuclear waste
The Scottish Executive has firmly refused to have nuclear waste buried north of the border, when asked as part of a new government consultation exercise.
The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) has been found guilty by a court in Scotland of dumping radioactive nuclear waste into a conventional landfill site and allowing radioactive particles to leak from its Dounreay reprocessing plant.
5000 years ago the English Channel didn't exist - so where are we going to bury our nuclear waste that will be safe for up to one million years...or more?