Donald Trump has walked away from the Paris Agreement and environmentalists are having to deal with a climate denier occupying the White House. The best way to reach out to Trump supporters may be to warn against local pollution rather than talk about icebergs or atmospheric science, argues energy politics expert TAE HOON KIM
Friends of the Irish Environment (FIE) has taken the first legal action under Ireland’s new climate legislation. FIE has expressed its concerns that the Irish government is intending to ignore the terms set out by the 2015 Paris climate agreement by lodging a judicial review with the High Court in relation to Dublin Airport's proposed new runway, CONOR PURCELL reports
Paris is famous for its chic spin on glamour but also for its fur, its waste and its excess. But with green designers slowly making inroads, things could be about to change, says Lida Hujić
From taking the ferry to a budget version of the Orient Express, Greentraveller founder, Richard Hammond, shares his top five ways to holiday without harming the planet