A group of countries banded together to shape the global climate pact in In 2015 - but political turmoil is pulling the alliance apart ahead of the next climate conference.
Diplomats from around the world have gathered in Thailand's capital this week for an additional round of UN climate negotiations. The Bangkok Summit will establish the Rules for the Paris Agreement. ARTHUR WYNS reports from the negotiations
President Donald J Trump has exceeded even his own incredible record for dumfounding his critics with a litany of falsehoods and prejudice during his trip to the UK and meeting with Vladimir Putin. Amid the white noise its easy for us to get distracted from his climate denial. BOB WARD sends a warning signal
The UN climate summit, which took place in Germany this month, saw slow but steady progress on setting up the rules to implement the Paris Agreement. ARTHUR WYNS provides a comprehensive summary of the technical UN climate talks
During the recent Climate Change Conference in Bonn the EU announced it was increasing its post-2020 climate budget by five percent to €320 billion. But as ARTHUR WYNS reports, the strategy and rules behind the spending is just as important as the amount
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) recently met in London. Many thought the draft agreement of a 50 percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 doesn't go far enough to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. But DEXTER GALVIN of CDP is hopeful shipping companies will be pressured into more urgent action by their powerful commercial clients
Climate laws are being adopted around the world. MOLLY SCOTT CATO and JAKOB DALUNDE, MEPs for the UK and Sweden, consider whether legally binding commitments can save us from a climate crisis and pave the way towards a net zero emissions planet
Public support for policies designed to reduce carbon emissions and prevent catastrophic climate change is vital. Yet people are naturally resistant when such policies mean sacrificing holidays and rewards they have earned through hard work. LEO BARASI argues there is a solution to this world-defining paradox
Climate change brings with it existential concern. But the actions we take to prevent runaway climate change can have extraordinary benefits for our economy, our health, our wellbeing and our relationship with the natural environment. It is these positive messages that can persuade people to act now, argues LOUISE GRAY
The future of the planet - as protected by the Paris Agreement - appears to have been victim to a vicious power struggle within the White House, according to Michael Wolff’s new insider account of the Trump White House. But, argues ALEX RANDELL suggests there is far more in play
Donald Trump has threatened to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement. Al Gore is captured in the new film An Inconvenient Sequel looking distressed at the election of Trump in 2016. Here, one of the film's directors tells BRENDAN MONTAGUE how Gore made it clear that he fears Trump is a danger to our planet.
Film directors Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk spent months with Al Gore observing his climate advocacy behind the scenes and at close hand. BRENDAN MONTAGUE asks about Gore, Trump, the impact of watching the melting glaciers and meeting many of the millions of activists worldwide determined to make a difference.
James Hansen is making his second visit to the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties, COP23 in Bonn to declare the that the Paris Agreement “ambition” is a “hoax”. NICK BREEZE meets the man still raising the climate alarm.
Donald Trump set to become only world leader not to support the Paris Agreement on climate change as even war torn Syria pledges to sign up, reports ARTHUR WYNS from the COP23 in Bonn.
Environmental law professor, ROBERT PERCIVAL, who has worked for both the Federal Government and a leading green nonprofit group, says despite the Trump administration's assault on America's environment laws they will survive... and may even be stronger for the attack
The G19 pro-climate coalition which agreed both an energy and climate action plan and important steps to help reorient private capital flows and business strategies towards a new sustainable direction has been deemed a success by many environmentalists, writes KATRIN RIEGGER (who was present at the conference for the Ecologist). But others say these agreements still do not go far enough and want to see global leaders adopting even more ambitious strategies to cut emissions and achieve the agreed goals of the Paris Agreement
Government action isn't enough for climate change. Private actors - including corporations, civic and advocacy groups, private citizens, and even the Catholic Church - will be crucial to successfully cutting billions of tons of carbon and tackling climate change, write two academics, MICHAEL VANDENBERGH & JONATHAN M. GILLIGAN
In an open letter to the UK's political party leaders, Scientists for Global Responsibility urge those politicians to take the global threat of climate change seriously and to exploit science and technology to create jobs, tackle fuel poverty, and reduce local air pollution
The Paris Agreement is a severely inadequate response to the climate crisis the world now faces, writes Pete Dolack, full of vague aspirations and devoid of hard, enforceable commitments. But the impending US withdrawal is still bad news for us all - including the Trump-supporting Koch brothers, set to gain billions from their Alberta tarsands holdings. Short-term profits are a poor exchange for a less livable world, even for those making the money.
For social movements and climate justice campaigners, the US abandonment of the Paris Agreement is disappointing, but there is also a unity in understanding that the future of humanity on this planet does not rest on leaders alone, writes DOROTHY GRACE GUERRERO
So the Trumpapocalypse has happened. He has finally withdrawn the US from the Paris climate agreement. Understandably there is righteous anger around the Globe over such a reckless act of climate vandalism, which imperils the natural world and the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. But here's the good news, it may prove to be just the kick up the jacksie that we needed, writes JOE WARE