Co-founder of activist group Plane Stupid, Joss Garman reflects on the environmental movements' successes and why, when things look bleaker than ever, we need to remember this
Veteran campaigner and former Ecologist contributor Joss Garman talks to us about past campaigning successes - and why a Green Investment Bank should be a top priority for the Coalition Government
A documentary that follows UK climate activists as they take on the combined forces of global capitalism, run-away climate change and the metropolitan police. Set for release in early 2011
Tamsin Omond's personal account of her journey from carefree student to 'climate suffragette' explores the world of climate activism in a manner that can only inspire
The Ecologist Film Unit's second release documents how espionage, news manipulation, legal threats and even violence have become the knee-jerk response of Government and big business to the increasingly vocal concerns of environmental protesters in the UK
Government and big business are countering resurgent eco activism with spies, strongarm tactics and news manipulation. Who are they calling terrorists? asks Andrew Wasley
Having been banned from the fields of Heathrow by a court injunction last week, protest group Plane Stupid have set up their own climate camp – under the wing of an Airbus A380 currently being transported along the River Dee.