This week saw international delegates debate an extremely restrictive Global Plastics Treaty text that failed to set out legally binding targets and timeframes on plastic production and reduction.
'It’s high time the government takes its lead from the public and introduces a scheme that will give us the best chance to combat litter and plastic pollution once and for all.'
Producers will pay the full cost of disposal and recycling of packaging, recycling collections will be made consistent and a deposit return scheme for drinks containers will be introduced.
The Welsh town of Chepstow is the most recent to declare itself 'plastic free'. PAUL MILES reflects on the subsequent media frenzy, the community's unwavering enthusiasm, and their long-term goals
While more of us are making a concerted effort to reduce our plastic consumption at home, it's not so easy when travelling. TOM LAWSON offers up his top tips to help reduce our plastic footprint while on the road
This week the UK government announced a consultation on introducing a tax on single-use plastics, as part of its pledge to reduce plastic waste. But earlier this month ministers stepped back from plans to introduce a charge for non-recyclable coffee cups - putting the government’s war on plastic and promise of a Green Brexit under scrutiny. JOSEPH DUTTON investigates
Ideas to protect the UK’s natural resources and reduce waste and pollution have been published in the government’s long-awaited 25-year plan. But campaigners fear the proposals are not strong enough, CATHERINE EARLY reports
Green party deputy leader AMELIA WOMACK tried to cut plastic out of her life after witnessing haunting images of a bird struggling because its stomach was lined with waste. But the ingrained nature of plastic in modern society made the task much harder than expected. This is her story.