Dian Fossey dedicated her life to the study of the critically endangered mountain gorilla. CURTIS ABRAHAM looks into her life, sudden death and the lasting legacy she left in mountain gorilla preservation.
Ahead of this week's 29th meeting of the CITES Animals Committee, in Geneva, Switzerland, the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) reveals how the legal trade in lion bones from captive-bred lions serves only to exacerbate and drive the illegal trade in wild tiger parts
Desperate not to offend the host country, the EU delegates at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) ignored a million-strong petition, a resolution from the European Parliament and the views of a large majority of African Range states and failed to give elephants greater protection
BRUSSELS - The French Environment Minister Ségolène Royal has signed a decree banning the trade in ivory and rhino horn in France and all overseas French territories.This follows an earlier French governmental move to suspend re-exports of elephant ivory
2013's illegal rhino slaughter in South Africa was the biggest ever. The population of the critically endangered black rhinos is now near the tipping point with only just over 4,000 animals left in the wild.
Protestors will gather on Saturday at the Chinese Embassy in London to call for an end to the global ivory trade, writes Dominic Dyer. But it's not just China - the UK must also pay its part to save Africa's elephants.
The Government of China today destroyed over 6 tons of ivory and other wildlife products confiscated from the illegal trade. But is it a PR move or a sign of a serious clamp down?
Wildlife crime is a multi-million dollar globalised business, ranked fourth in transnational crime in the world, with an international network sprawling across continents. Verity Largo reports from Tanzania ...
Simon Pope, Director of Campaigns and Communications for the World Society for the Protection of Animals, questions why the UK government is so far behind other global powers when it comes to tackling the illegal wildlife trade.
As politicians encourage development around the Kerinci Seblat National Park, Dr. Julian Bloomer explores how the area's endangered species can be protected
The illegal wildlife trade threatens Zimbabwe's black rhinos with decimation. Ruth Styles reports on the Malilangwe Trust and safari company Singita's attempts to reverse the decline
Cyril Christo and Marie Wilkinson’s stunning images highlight the luminous beauty of Africa’s elephants, says Ruth Styles, and show why ending the ivory trade is more important than ever