The move amounts to a U-turn on the PM’s opposition to building new turbines onshore as set out in his failed first bid for the Conservative leadership.
The Stop Sizewell C campaign group warns nuclear is costly, diverts investment from green energy sources such as renewables and damages tourism and nature.
The fossil fuel industry could take important measures to mitigate climate change, but devotes itself to the opposite. The real scandal is their unwillingness to invest in renewables.
The UK government’s decision this week to allow fracking undermines its commitments to tackle climate change and reduce fossil fuel use. It came just days before the government’s own data showed renewable electricity hit a record high last year. JOSEPH DUTTON reports
The green washing of Theresa May’s Conservative government appears to have reached its end following a week of environmentally regressive policy announcements and the collapse of UK renewable energy investment, writes JOSEPH DUTTON
Technology - from solar energy to artificial intelligence - is celebrated as a solution to climate change and other major environmental crises. But new breakthroughs also bring significant risks, argues author JEREMY LEGGETT
With less than 25 years until the purchase of new diesel and petrol cars will be banned, JACK ALEXANDER explores what is holding back the electric car market in the UK.
A new report by the ECIU highlights the cost of the 'perverse' onshore wind 'ban' and examines the knock-on impacts for consumers and the climate. BRENDAN MONTAGUE reports
The government is due to announce a £250 million support package for 'small modular reactors' his week, just as the price of wind and solar power contracts fall 10% below UK wholesale prices. OLIVER TICKELL argues that the Britain's 'civilian' nuclear power expenditure is actually a camouflaged subsidy to the UK's Trident nuclear missile system.
Forum for the Future, an international sustainability non-profit, has published a report in which former energy bosses, ministers and civil servants advise the Big Six energy companies to back renewables, reports BRENDAN MONTAGUE
Nuclear power is suffering one of its worst ever years, writes JIM GREEN. Even nuclear enthusiasts agree that the industry is in crisis. The bankruptcy filing by US nuclear giant Westinghouse has sent a cold chill through the industry which elsewhere, is suffering from crippling economic problems, successful legal challenges, and public opposition
The cyclists of the Tour de France may not set off until next week but in Kenya a group of young people have taken to their bikes to raise awareness about the power of sustainable energy ahead of the country's general election on August 8.
JOE WARE reports
In an open letter to the UK's political party leaders, Scientists for Global Responsibility urge those politicians to take the global threat of climate change seriously and to exploit science and technology to create jobs, tackle fuel poverty, and reduce local air pollution
Most British politicians - waking up after a General Election which sent a strong message that the UK electorate don't want railroading by its leaders - sail along blissfully innocent of nuclear's impending denouement, not only in the rest of the world but in the UK too, writes IAN FAIRLIE