Satish Kumar received the P.E.A. environment award for most ecological family this week. Here he argues that cities should not be an impediment to sustainable living.
The Festival of Wellbeing from the Resurgence Trust taking place online on 30 October 2021 will include discussions of how to tackle the climate and ecological emergency.
Schumacher College, in partnership Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, is launching a major new essay competition on the topic of 'education as if people and planet matter’.
Leading thinkers, writers and environmentalists are calling for support for Resurgence – the spiritual and artistic flagship of the green movement and publisher of The Ecologist – to build a new home to expand its services to people and planet.
The not-for-profit Resurgence Trust has owned and run The Ecologist website since 2012. Since then, we have maintained this site as a free service to an international community that shares our agenda of seeking positive solutions to the challenges of environment, social justice and ethical living. Help us to keep doing this by joining the Trust or making a donation today
The Resurgence Trust has owned and run The Ecologist website since 2012. Since then, we have offered this website as a free service to an international community that shares our agenda of seeking positive solutions to the challenges of climate change, social justice and ethical living.