Political parties have been urged to toughen up the regulation of toxic chemicals, the “sleeping giant of pollution”, which can harm people and wildlife.
Forty years ago this month – John Noble and Harry Rothman wrote in the Ecologist about the mystery of 8,000 bird deaths and the toxic effects of PCBs found in the environment
Having survived cancer, biologist Sandra Steingraber wrote a book to expose its link to the environment. As the film version premieres in Europe, she tells the Ecologist why we must all take a stand on air, food and water pollution
There are certain rules of thumb when it comes to storing, freezing and heating food in plastic containers. Read on to find out how to use plastics safely
Is it enough to trust your nose when it comes to decorating your baby's nursery? A new project tests toxin levels and provides tips on reducing harmful chemicals in your baby's room
Say: ‘I am happy to pay for environmental degradation, chronic illness and labour rights abuses in countries that grow flowers for Western consumers but cannot feed their own people.’