Business leaders have taken some initiatives to reduce the impact they have on the natural environment. Here, EMILY FOLK examines how a company can make a difference in the office - and beyond.
Green party deputy leader AMELIA WOMACK tried to cut plastic out of her life after witnessing haunting images of a bird struggling because its stomach was lined with waste. But the ingrained nature of plastic in modern society made the task much harder than expected. This is her story.
Earlier this week, the Trussel Trust reported the number of UK families using food banks has tripled in the last year and increased a staggering FIVE FOLD since the coalition came to power. Paul Creeney asks the big question ...
Grace Lee has just spent a month in Seoul, South Korea working as an intern for the Resource Recirculation Management Division under the Climate Change and Environment Bureau of Seoul City Hall. Here’s what she has to say to her fellow US citizens about their domestic waste…
Scavenging is on the rise in the US and is no longer the exclusive domain of the poor. Felicity Carus reports on San Francisco's attempts to close down this informal sector and its impact on a burgeoning recycling culture
The Gates Foundation has just announced a $42 million project over several years to develop a toilet that doesn't need water, mains power or sewerage and that will cost next to nothing
What would you do if an American company planned to site a huge incinerator - bigger than the Millennium Stadium - above your town? How would you feel if you knew that no existing technology could prevent that incinerator pumping out toxic chemicals?