The distance sea turtles, whales and other wildlife might have to move to find more suitable sea temperatures can range from tens to thousands of kilometres.
A survey of threatened Arctic mammals highlights melting sea ice as a prime threat to eleven keystone species, writes Tim Radford - meaning that efforts to conserve them may be doomed to failure unless we also tackle the causes of climate change.
Long after Blue whales have ceased to be hunted, their numbers have failed to record substantial increases, writes Luke Rendell. Are ship strikes to blame? A 15-year scientific study says the answer may be yes - and advises moving California shipping lanes.
The US Fisheries Service has repeatedly failed to give highly endangered Right whales adequate protection. Now wildlife groups are suing the Agency to demand a more than tenfold expansion of 'critical habitat' to protect the species along the US's Atlantic coast.
In his new book 'Hunting the Hunters - at war with the whalers', Laurens de Groot recounts his adventures with Sea Shepherd in the Southern Ocean, saving whales from Japan's 'scientific research'.
The US is not enforcing a law which requires imported fish to comply with US standards for marine mammal protection - although non-US commercial fisheries are killing 650,000 marine mammals a year.
Japan's hunting of cetaceans has become a rallying point for nationalists, but demand for their meat is falling amid worries about toxic pollution. Fukushima could just prove to be the last straw for a declining industry ...
Bernie Krause has spent a lifetime recording the sonics of nature. But, as Laurie Tuffrey finds, his quest to record the elusive sound of the wild finds practical application in conservation
Whales, dolphins and porpoises have no respite from oil and chemicals, fishing nets, shipping, noise pollution and a host of other dangers brought about by man's unrelenting destruction of the oceans, says Anthony Wall
Forty years ago this month, Scott McVay predicted the impending extinction of many species of whales. Does the threat remain today, or has the battle been won?
British diners could unwittingly be supporting Iceland's whale hunt as a major UK fish wholesaler continues to source seafood from an Icelandic company linked to the killing of endangered fin whales