Some of nature's most majestic creatures are migratory, but their future in a changing world is far from certain, as a stunning new book of photographs makes clear
Lobbying by WWF UK to protect Arctic wilderness from a £11bn ($22bn) oil and gas project that threatened the Western Gray Whale with extinction has been successful after the UK and US governments withdrew backing.
A group of environmental organisations headed by Earthjustice are sueing the US Navy for continuing to carry out sonar trials which are crippling whales and dolphins.
Navy vs the Whales. They have the most mysterious and beautiful songs in the natural world. But now they are dying, drowned out by the deafening roar of Western navies’ new sonar devices.
A new threat to whales, dolphins and other marine life exists in the worlds oceans, as the US Navys new sonar technology could have huge long-term effects on their whole way of life. Leigh Calvez reveals why the lords of the sea aren't singing any more.