The US National Marine Fisheries Service has proposed to allow the Makah Tribe to resume hunting gray whales after seventeen years of regulatory gridlock.
Vegans and vegetarians are leading protests in Iceland against whaling. They are calling on the government to end the practice, which sees highly intelligent and social animals captured and slaughtered. LOWANA VEAL reports
The Japanese tsunami appears to have temporarily halted the annual Dall's porpoise hunt. Pity the Taiji dolphins haven't been spared too, says the Environmental Investigation Agency's Clare Perry
A volunteer crew member on the Sea Shepherd's Steve Irwin ship during recent operations targeting bluefin tuna fishing and pilot whale hunting argues the organisations' activities are vital for preventing slaughter on the high seas
Forty years ago this month, Scott McVay predicted the impending extinction of many species of whales. Does the threat remain today, or has the battle been won?
In an exclusive interview, founder of Sea Shepherd, Captain Paul Watson, talks to Deborah Bassett about the end of Japanese whaling, seal hunting, the politics of extinction, and the 11th hour crisis facing the world's oceans
Commercial whaling by many nations continues despite an international ban and widescale condemnation. What may end the practice, argues Peter Nolan-Smith, is that the financial incentives are starting to dry up
Greenpeace has condemned as 'disproportionate and unjust' a one-year jail term, suspended for three years, handed down on two Greenpeace activists who exposed widespread corruption in the Japanese government's whaling programme