Breathable air, healthy soil, fresh water and the stability of our climate all rely on our planetary life-support systems – like rainforests and oceans – being healthy.
Environmental group WWF has faced a barrage of protest for sitting at the table with the likes of Monsanto and Cargill. Has it gone a step too far to appease the multinationals?
There have been plenty of attempts to try and value standing rainforest – you can tot up its total carbon content, you can value the ecosystem services it provides, you can look at its land value…
You’ve heard of carbon footprints, right? You may even have calculated your own? But what about your water footprint? Have you ever considered how much ‘hidden’ water it takes to make your cup of coffee in the morning or indeed the tomato in your sandwich?
Lobbying by WWF UK to protect Arctic wilderness from a £11bn ($22bn) oil and gas project that threatened the Western Gray Whale with extinction has been successful after the UK and US governments withdrew backing.