Award winning documentary maker Bruce Parry has raised the money to direct his first independent film. He wants to tell the story of the Penan indigenous tribe - so we can learn the secret of interconnected living. But should we believe him, asks BRENDAN MONTAGUE in Part II of this exclusive interview.
Science textbooks aimed at teenagers simply ignore the most effective lifestyle changes to prevent climate change: go vegetarian, cycle, take the train overseas and have fewer kids. It is time parents sat down and explained the low carbon birds and the bees, asks BRENDAN MONTAGUE
Kicking off a new series of 'how to...' we show you the most satisfying way to 'green up' your lovemaking between the sheets. Now relax, lie back and think of the Ecologist…
Environmental toxins have given us lesbian seagulls and transgender crabs, but pollutants may also be causing gender ambiguity in humans, says Eric Francis
Want to make sex more sensual and fun? Having difficulty conceiving? Don’t reach for a lubricant to boost your love life, says Pat Thomas, it could harm your health and fertility
Relationships, like so many other aspects of modern life, are increasingly subject to the pressures of commercialisation. ‘Buy this and you’ll be happy’, suggests the marketing. And one recent product, both intimate and as impersonal as can be imagined, boasts particular success…